Carrie ~

There is a $5 off coupon here for the ept pregnancy test.
That will make them almost free or free at Walmart.
Carrie ~

Are you kids crazy about Sponge Bob?
Here is a link for a free sample of Sponge Bob Cream of Wheat, and other samples too.
Carrie ~

What an awesome deal!
When you buy 12  Krispy Kreme donuts you receive 12 Valenties.
The big plus is, each valentine has a coupon for 1 free donut.

To find a list of participating store, go here
Carrie ~
     I just got my Feb. edition of Family Fun in the mail this week. They have some really cute ideas for Valentines! Go check them out My favorite is the robot valentine, perfect for a little boy to make. It is so nice that they now have videos clips for alot of their crafts!
     Thrifty idea, challenge your kids: give them a budget for their supplies and let them do the shopping.
If you have several kids that want to make Valentines, suggest that they could  pool their money and supplies to make fancier Valentines. Not only will your kids be proud that they made their Valentines themselves, they will also be learning how to stay within a budget, accomplish their goal and work with others. When I was at Target this weekend I spotted some pretty Valentines scrapbooking paper in the Dollar section. That could be used for the heart lollipops on Family Fun. In the Sunday paper there are usually coupons to both Michaels and Jo Anns. Both carry awesome kits and supplies for making Valentines.
Carrie ~
   I will never cease to be amazed by human compassion! What a beautiful emotions we have been blessed with: empathy, caring, giving, compassion... I was doing my "daily blog read" when I came to Money Saving and read her post "Help for Haiti". Upon seeing how many have responded I was once more thankfull for and amazed by the human spirit of giving. I was more than happy to give to Compassion International.
   In the last two years I have personally been given three opportunities to give: First I was approaced by a very young mother with her newborn in the parking lot of Walmart. I gave her the only prewrapped food I had in the car and an unopened bottle of water. Second I was approached by an older mother in the parking lot of Michaels. Once more I was only able to give her  prewrapped food, bottles of water and sunblock. At Christmas upon leaving the mall I was asked by a little girl if I would like to buy a candy cane? She and her mother had made angels and reindeer out of candy canes and were selling them. Even though I had not been on a huge spending spree, I could not help but feel guilty. (We were at the mall only so I could use all my coupons and vouchers to "shop for free" that day) Here I was with my husband and girls, all warm in our winter jackets, clothes that were the right size, headed home to have a wonderfull dinner. Her jacket was to small, she really could use a bath, and where was her dinner? While walking to the car I was taking quick stock of what we had with us. I wanted to give MORE this time. Yes, the little girl pulled at my heart strings. And thankfully I was able to do more this time. Along with the food and bottles of water I had (hidden till Christmas) hair clips and markers I had gotten for "free" from Walgreens, a bag of Hershey's Bliss they were handing out at the mall and lip gloss I had just gotten for free at Bed Bath and Beyond. I decided right then to start keeping more things in the car to give. A "giving" box in the trunk with stuff for kids, yep sounds like a good idea to me.
Carrie ~
    Summer is almost here! In anticipation of long days to fill and fun times to be had I need to start planning our summer activities and places we want to visit. One of the places that we love to go is Sea World! We took advantage of their deal "buy a day get a year free" two years ago, and well we are still pass holders today. Sea World lets you take food in so other than paying for the gas to get there and the parking fee, we get in for free.
    We always have a great time, my favorite recent memory was Monkey 2 "talking" to the penguins. From an educational point of view, I love it! There has not been a single visit (and there have been ALOT of visits) where Monkey 1 has not asked countless questions, talked at great length about the animals, or learned something new. So for this summer, Sea World is staying on the "To Go/Do" list. Look up your nearest Amusment Parks rates, they might be more affordale than you think.
Carrie ~
On Monday we had the fun experience of taking a field trip to Amy's Farm with our Homeschool group. It was the perfect day too, on a hotter day the lovely smell of the cows would have been stronger! Amy's Farm offers a lot, the kids all got to meet and pet a cow, curry ponies, milk a cow and attempt to feed a pig Arugula they had picked themselves in the garden.( He was more concerned with itching his back than eatting the arugula).
As far as field trips go this one has been our favorite! Monkey 1 said that holding the baby chicks was her favorite and Baby Monkey loved holding the kittens. If there is a local farm near you that offers tours it is a wonderful experience, and a great learning opportunity too!
Carrie ~
    The other day Monkey 1 was rather ansy all day long, I really needed to get her outside to burn off some of that extra energy. Unfortunately Monkey 2 took a very long nap... so now I was faced with a problem... and I found the perfect soultion in glow stick bracelets that I had gotten for $1.00 at Michaels.
After Hubby got home and it was dark we all trooped outside, snapped all the braceletts, linked them up and formed big glowing circles. We had enough braceletts to make four or five circles big enough to throw and catch easily.
   The fun that we had with those rings!! We ran around playing a version of frisbee, got them stuck in the trees, put them on like belts and danced around. We had so much fun, with just a $1.00's worth of glow sticks we got a fun evening and funny memories. (next time I should be sure to scoop the dog poop first though).