Carrie ~
   I will never cease to be amazed by human compassion! What a beautiful emotions we have been blessed with: empathy, caring, giving, compassion... I was doing my "daily blog read" when I came to Money Saving and read her post "Help for Haiti". Upon seeing how many have responded I was once more thankfull for and amazed by the human spirit of giving. I was more than happy to give to Compassion International.
   In the last two years I have personally been given three opportunities to give: First I was approaced by a very young mother with her newborn in the parking lot of Walmart. I gave her the only prewrapped food I had in the car and an unopened bottle of water. Second I was approached by an older mother in the parking lot of Michaels. Once more I was only able to give her  prewrapped food, bottles of water and sunblock. At Christmas upon leaving the mall I was asked by a little girl if I would like to buy a candy cane? She and her mother had made angels and reindeer out of candy canes and were selling them. Even though I had not been on a huge spending spree, I could not help but feel guilty. (We were at the mall only so I could use all my coupons and vouchers to "shop for free" that day) Here I was with my husband and girls, all warm in our winter jackets, clothes that were the right size, headed home to have a wonderfull dinner. Her jacket was to small, she really could use a bath, and where was her dinner? While walking to the car I was taking quick stock of what we had with us. I wanted to give MORE this time. Yes, the little girl pulled at my heart strings. And thankfully I was able to do more this time. Along with the food and bottles of water I had (hidden till Christmas) hair clips and markers I had gotten for "free" from Walgreens, a bag of Hershey's Bliss they were handing out at the mall and lip gloss I had just gotten for free at Bed Bath and Beyond. I decided right then to start keeping more things in the car to give. A "giving" box in the trunk with stuff for kids, yep sounds like a good idea to me.
2 Responses
  1. Topaz Says:

    This was very inspiring. It is so easy to take for granted what God has blessed us with. A roof over our heads, a clean, warm bed, and fresh food to eat. Hopefully people who read this will be inspired to help the less fortunate, I know I am. There is always a way to give back.
    Munchkin Momma for the message!!!

  2. Reagan Says:

    I was hit by the same emotion today! Two seperate families in our community have lost everything in home fires. I met a young mom this afternoon who was collected items for them in her front yard. I was overwhelmed by her "Just Do It" spirit. I rushed home to help, not out of my excess but from my best. We don't have to sit on our hands!

    I can tell that you have that same love and compassion that I remember from so long ago! Thank you for sharing, literally!