Carrie ~
    Money 1 turned 8 yesterday!

Today she is a happy, relaxed, joyful little girl. And I am so very thankful that she is happy!
Because 2 years ago she wasn't. In fact she was down right miserable and working hard at making everyone around her just as miserable.

She has always been my biggest challenge in life, but also my greatest joy. I love my Monkey with all my heart, being her mommy has made me a better person, no doubt.

As a baby she was pretty happy, as a toddler a tad fussy.
As a two year old..... horrible! We kept on thinking "well they are the terrible two's". Except she never seemed to outgrow the terrible two's. And I started looking for answers when she was 2. Yes at two I was seeking help, advice, anything to give me insight into my daughters behavior.

She would get so angry and frustrated she would bite herself, leaving bruises. She bit her cousin so hard she drew blood! She was angry, alot. At age three! She would always fight me on any issue. For the most I could handle her behavior with time outs and other punishments.

But at 6 things really started to spiral down hill, fast. we had just moved into my parents house, and M 2 had been born by C section, (she had to be in the NICU for a week, and I was in the hospital for five days. )
At first I thought that she was just jealous, and acting up because of it. 
But when she started trying to hurt the baby, and physically hurting us I realized that all along there had been an underlying issue. I started looking back over the years and connectingng the dots.

On a really bad day she would come in my room and yell at me to wake up, then after I was up she would refuse to brush her teeth, yelling, screaming, stomping her feet, hitting me..... she could really throw a tantrum. Breakfast would be just as big a struggle. In fact on a bad day she would literally spend three hours or more laying on the floor screaming her head off. It could be over anything, meal time, bath time, school time, not being able to find a toy. 

I tried everything!
If I woke up before her she would have a fit "because she wanted to cuddle"
I would plan out our day and tell her how it was going to go, she wouldn't want to have the day go that way.
Giving her a bubble bath, but she would have a fit because then she didn't want to get out.
It didn't matter what we did or said, she would end up on the floor stomping her feet, screaming her head off, crying her heart out.

She was angry, defiant, sulky, a down right brat.
She tried to control everything, she would refuse to get in the tub, and then refuse to get out. She would say she had to go to the bathroom and then refuse to get off the toilet when she heard someone else say they had to go. She was constantly challenging us, trying to pit us against each other. She would smile when hubby and I would start fighting over her behavior. She would lie to us, she would not listen.
She was that child that you see in the store and think,
"Wow does that kid need to be punished"
She was a total and complete BRAT.

There were days that I would sit in my room crying.
She would be throwing a fit, kicking and banging at my door.
 I had locked so she could not come in and hit me, she would try to physically block us from entering or leaving a room.
 She would get so angry she would grind her teeth as we talked to her.
We were trying to get through to her, trying to help her.

I felt so alone.
I felt so isolated, as if I was locked in a battle with her.
 A battle that I was losing, and no one was giving me direction.
I had no idea what I was doing. I felt so lost at times and I wondered what more I could do?

I questioned my abilities as a mom. I questioned my value as a person.
I was shaken to the very core of me.
At night, alone in the shower I would sag against the wall and just cry.
I was devastated, what had happened to my little girl? How was I to help her?
 What could I do? What did I do? How could I ever fix this issue?

I was determined that we would weather the storm, that she would be happy again.
I won't deny that there were days that I thought of boarding schools, medications...anything to help us!!
As the bad days kept on coming I realized one thing, this was MY baby, my little girl, and I LOVED her. And together we were going to get past these issues and get her back to feeling like herself.

I was determined that we would win, that she would grow up knowing that despite whatever issues she had to overcome as a kid, she has great value, great potential and an even greater God.

I spent so much time in prayer, some days is was all I could do.
It was physically exhausting to deal with her, to try to stay a step ahead of her, to be constantly trying to help her stay calm. I would have my journal and my Bible, and just pray.
I felt so numb, so shocked that this was happening to us. I could not seem to wrap my head around the fact that she was so angry, so full of unhappiness.

We saw several therapists before we found one that really helped.
One thing that bothered me was that I needed someone to really help, and no one really wanted to.
When I said to the therapist, "She hits me, she pulls on me, she threatens me". They never had direct answers. I could have used some help at home, someone to literally step in and show me what to do, how to react to her, what to say.

The therapist the finally helped us was amazing, he helped me to understand so much!
He was patient and listened as I told my deepest fears, of her worst behavior, of the good days, of my highest hopes for her.
I asked questions, I tore into the heart of my marriage, my childhood, hubby's childhood, my parenting abilities. I questioned every single aspect of her behavior.

And he listened, and answered.
 He shared stories of other kids, other behavioral issues, he told what what I needed to hear the most....
 YES there were answers, YES we would lick this behavior, and YES she would grow up happy and proud of who she was. =)

I learned that it could be Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and ADHD.
After Hubby and I discussed it in depth, prayed and mulled it over we decided to not have her tested.
I was afraid of giving her a label, of thinking that her behavior was excusable, of her using it as an excuse as she got older. We realized on thing, that no matter if she was ODD, ADHD, or just downright stinky, we loved her, always had, always will.

I was angry at first, I didn't sign up for this!
I was bitter to, I wanted my little girl to be happy, to have a normal life.
But then I realized, well if not me, who then?
And what is normal?

I realized that with all that I had going on in my life, God must have some pretty awesome plans ahead for our family.

And so we started working on a better Monkey 1, a happier Monkey.
It was a long road, a roller coaster ride really.

And along the way I realized something, I was not teaching her.
I was guiding her.
She will always have ODD, but it won't always have her.
She is strong willed and stubborn.

So if she has a huge stubborn streak in her, then we need to harness that stubbornness and change it into something better.

My monkey is happy now, she is full of life and she is awesome.
It took two years of patience and hard work.
Two years of her learning hope to cope with life, how to identify her emotions,
how to properly express her feeling.

Today I have her, my Monkey
A beautiful little girl who is 8.
A little girl who knows life is tough, but she is tougher, by far.
A little girl who is loved, and is going to grow up to do great things.

She is still quite the challenge, still stinky, and still stubborn.
She keeps me on my toes.
She is my greatest challenge, and my greatest blessing
But most importantly, she is happy.

~ I love my daughter. ~

Carrie ~
     We are moving, in 11 days!! We are moving, we are moving, we are FINALLY moving. Perhaps I should explain the reason for my great joy? Well for starters we have been living with my folks for the past two years. No not something I ever anticipated, or would have chosen to have happen. But it was not my choice, in fact I am pretty sure it was God's design.
     In June 2007 we were living in Yucca Valley and Hubby was "let go" from his job as a property manager. His step-dad told him about a job in the union as a boom truck operator. In Oregon. So we talked about it, alot. And considered our options. And then we planned, and eventually moved. First we decided that he would fly up there and "try it out" and after he was in the union Monky1 and I would follow. Fast forward 10 weeks, (yes 10 weeks) and we finally made the move up to Oregon. I should mention that during those 10 weeks I was "a single mom" packing up the whole house (with Monkey 1, four cats and 2 dogs), selling a car, organizing everything, and my grandma passed away.
     August~2007 we were finally settled into a new house. We had plans to buy a house and finish school. Monkey 1 started kindergarten.
     September~2007 we found out that after two years I was finally pregnant. School was going well for Monkey 1 and hubby was working, alot.
     November~2007 Work starts to slow down for hubby, a lot. Monkey 1 is having some trouble in school, the teacher says maybe it's Asperger's Syndrome? My sister calls and tells me that they are adopting. Although I was extremely happy for her, I was so sad! Now not only would my new baby not be around my family, I would miss seeing my little niece or nephew.
     December~2007 I decide to pull Money out of school and start homeschooling. I was terrified! However I wanted to do what was best for my daughter.
    February~2008 we get the call that the company hubby worked for was filing chapter 11. GULP!! We find  out that Monkey 2 is a girl. =)
    February to May~ hubby looks and looks for work
    April 2008~My parents offer for us to live with them if we want to move back to Ca.
    May 2008~We move back to Ca.
    June 2008~Monkey 2 is born by C-section, all 9 lbs. 14 oz's of her.
    August 2008~ Monkey 1 starts acting up, a lot
    Aug. to Jan. 2009~ Monkey 1 is..... horrible! I seek the advice of therapists, Dr's, oh did we need help. Finally I find out that I could be dealing with ODD.
    January 2009~I start working on our credit. I thought that I could get this done quickly, that in a few months we would have a loan and a house. I was WRONG!
     I took our credit report, our tax return and started the whole process. I started making phone calls, offering settlements and mailing off payments. It was so much work, I was not prepared for how time consuming the whole process would be, or how much it would end up costing us to improve our credit. I lost sleep over the whole process, I would wake up at night feeling that I could be doing better, that I should make a lower offer, that I needed to do something different, that I was doing something wrong. I mean after all this was our credit that I was dealing with. Our future was now in my hands, if I didn't do things right then we would not get a loan quickly, we would not be able to move on with our lives. I really wanted to have our own place and be a family of four. However I was determined that our sacrifice of living with my folks would not be in vain, that all of our work and sacrifices would be justified when we finally got a loan and were homeowners.
     June~2009 We are told that we have a VA loan. We start looking for our new home. I was so happy, I thought that we were done. I was on cloud nine. We felt ready to be on our own, to achieve the goal of home ownership.
     October 2009~We find, bid and then find out that NO we did not have a loan, that we are not VA loan eligible due to the fact that hubby did not serve long enough.
      November 2009~ We take a step back and shake off the shock of losing a loan, of seeing our dreams shattered, again. We decided to wait a few more months and then see if we can get a loan.
     November 2009~I challenge myself to cut our spending budget and see how much we can save.
     March 2010~ No hubby's score is still not high enough, so the waiting continues. However we decide that if by August we still don't have a loan, then we will rent.
    August 2010~ No no loan, so rent it is. I am not happy that we did not get a loan, but I am happy that we are finally moving out! I am happy because we will finally have a chance to be a family of 4, with our cats and dogs. So I am relieved that we are done with this stage of our lives, that we are finally moving forward. =)
Carrie ~
    At the beginning of the school year last year I bought a clock from the dollar spot at Target. My original plan was to use it to help teach Monkey 1 how to tell time. However it became much more useful for getting her to giver herself a bath. See like most kids, monkey can become....distracted! To the point that I am ready to go nuts over having to repeat myself over and over and over. Now she is able to give herself a bath, however bath time was getting a tad stressful. She could run the water, and bathe herself. Not a problem. Then came washing her hair. OH MY GOSH! We had to either wash it for her or tell her when to put in the shampoo, how long to rinse for and when do put in and rinse out the conditioner. She would take a really long time to rinse her hair, argue about it being rinsed enough, and after bath time take FOREVER to lotion up and get dressed. She would take so long to lotion that she was often late to dinner, which led to threats of no dinner, screaming fits on her part and well not a very calm dinner time......
    Enter the clock. I was so tired of the bath time struggle that I started racking my brain. I knew their had to be an easier way, right? Right I was, and so glad! I took her little clock and put stick on jewels at the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. I explained to her that at bath time I would set the clock for 12, and that she had from 12 to 12:10 to play and wash. Then from 12:10 to 12:15 she was to shampoo and rinse. Then from 12:15 to 12:20 was conditioner and rinse. 12:20 to 12:25 was to finish, drain and get out. Then she has from the 12:25 to 12:30 to be lotioned and dressed. It took a few nights of "practice" but she is now finally bathing and getting ready for dinner ALL ON HER OWN!! I am so happy, esp. since we don't have a nightly struggle over something which should be fun, a warm bath! I have even taken it a step further and we are now using the clock for bed time too. So far, so good! I would like to think that she is being self sufficient and having to hold herself accountable for how she spends her time, but for the most part I'm just glad bath time now goes much smoother, and so does dinner.
Carrie ~
    A few years ago my sister told us of "Operation Christmas Child" and that if we would be willing to buy the items she would drop the boxes off at her church. And now every Halloween we start saving candy, and looking for cute socks and pads to paper and other goodies to add to our boxes. I love the idea of the boxes, that we can be a blessing and give a child hope with something as simple as a shoe box. I have already started buying things for the boxes, and am hoping that Monkey #1 will write a letter to tuck into them this year.
    Some ideas for your boxes: At Target they have Crayola crayons for 24 cents a pack, and Paper mate pens on sale for 50 cents (use this coupon to get them free! ) after Halloween buy a bag of dum dum's for cheap and use a Ziploc baggie to divvy them up, last year I went to Michaels and got a school supply kit from the $1 spot that had a pad of paper, and eraser, pencils and a pencil bag all for $1! If you sign up for freebies save some of them and add them to your boxes.
   To read an awesome story of just how much the shoe boxes can impact a child's life head over here to read Oxana's story.
Carrie ~
    Monkey #1 turns 8 at the end of this month... gulp... BIG gulp! I am not ready to have an 8 year old, but ready or not her Birthday will be here soon. Thankfully I have all but one of her gifts. In fact I have had some of her gifts since November of last year. Yes I know, I was planning waaaaaay in advance. I took advantage of all the awesome Christmas deals and decided to challenge myself and see just how far ahead I could plan. And so far, so good. We celebrated Monkey #2's Birthday in June and yes I had also been saving her gifts since Nov. I did buy a few more gifts over the past few months as the items came on sale, and those got hidden away as well.  And since this was a new experiment I have to say that so far I am finding that being prepared ahead is actually...nice! I don't have to wonder what I am going to give them for their Birthdays, or if we can afford it. I have kept a list of what I bought for them, and I know that I saved a bunch by taking advantage of all the sales and deals. I actually came in under budget for the both of them! I feel more prepared knowing that their gifts are bought and saved, and all I have to do is take care of the parties. And wrap my head around the fact that my baby is soon to be 8!!