Carrie ~
     We are moving, in 11 days!! We are moving, we are moving, we are FINALLY moving. Perhaps I should explain the reason for my great joy? Well for starters we have been living with my folks for the past two years. No not something I ever anticipated, or would have chosen to have happen. But it was not my choice, in fact I am pretty sure it was God's design.
     In June 2007 we were living in Yucca Valley and Hubby was "let go" from his job as a property manager. His step-dad told him about a job in the union as a boom truck operator. In Oregon. So we talked about it, alot. And considered our options. And then we planned, and eventually moved. First we decided that he would fly up there and "try it out" and after he was in the union Monky1 and I would follow. Fast forward 10 weeks, (yes 10 weeks) and we finally made the move up to Oregon. I should mention that during those 10 weeks I was "a single mom" packing up the whole house (with Monkey 1, four cats and 2 dogs), selling a car, organizing everything, and my grandma passed away.
     August~2007 we were finally settled into a new house. We had plans to buy a house and finish school. Monkey 1 started kindergarten.
     September~2007 we found out that after two years I was finally pregnant. School was going well for Monkey 1 and hubby was working, alot.
     November~2007 Work starts to slow down for hubby, a lot. Monkey 1 is having some trouble in school, the teacher says maybe it's Asperger's Syndrome? My sister calls and tells me that they are adopting. Although I was extremely happy for her, I was so sad! Now not only would my new baby not be around my family, I would miss seeing my little niece or nephew.
     December~2007 I decide to pull Money out of school and start homeschooling. I was terrified! However I wanted to do what was best for my daughter.
    February~2008 we get the call that the company hubby worked for was filing chapter 11. GULP!! We find  out that Monkey 2 is a girl. =)
    February to May~ hubby looks and looks for work
    April 2008~My parents offer for us to live with them if we want to move back to Ca.
    May 2008~We move back to Ca.
    June 2008~Monkey 2 is born by C-section, all 9 lbs. 14 oz's of her.
    August 2008~ Monkey 1 starts acting up, a lot
    Aug. to Jan. 2009~ Monkey 1 is..... horrible! I seek the advice of therapists, Dr's, oh did we need help. Finally I find out that I could be dealing with ODD.
    January 2009~I start working on our credit. I thought that I could get this done quickly, that in a few months we would have a loan and a house. I was WRONG!
     I took our credit report, our tax return and started the whole process. I started making phone calls, offering settlements and mailing off payments. It was so much work, I was not prepared for how time consuming the whole process would be, or how much it would end up costing us to improve our credit. I lost sleep over the whole process, I would wake up at night feeling that I could be doing better, that I should make a lower offer, that I needed to do something different, that I was doing something wrong. I mean after all this was our credit that I was dealing with. Our future was now in my hands, if I didn't do things right then we would not get a loan quickly, we would not be able to move on with our lives. I really wanted to have our own place and be a family of four. However I was determined that our sacrifice of living with my folks would not be in vain, that all of our work and sacrifices would be justified when we finally got a loan and were homeowners.
     June~2009 We are told that we have a VA loan. We start looking for our new home. I was so happy, I thought that we were done. I was on cloud nine. We felt ready to be on our own, to achieve the goal of home ownership.
     October 2009~We find, bid and then find out that NO we did not have a loan, that we are not VA loan eligible due to the fact that hubby did not serve long enough.
      November 2009~ We take a step back and shake off the shock of losing a loan, of seeing our dreams shattered, again. We decided to wait a few more months and then see if we can get a loan.
     November 2009~I challenge myself to cut our spending budget and see how much we can save.
     March 2010~ No hubby's score is still not high enough, so the waiting continues. However we decide that if by August we still don't have a loan, then we will rent.
    August 2010~ No no loan, so rent it is. I am not happy that we did not get a loan, but I am happy that we are finally moving out! I am happy because we will finally have a chance to be a family of 4, with our cats and dogs. So I am relieved that we are done with this stage of our lives, that we are finally moving forward. =)
1 Response
  1. Reagan Says:

    I loved reading your blog Carrie. I feel like I know your monkies a little bit better now! My oldest has been a challenge for us as well. I love him, the Lord knows that I do, but lately I've been praying that God would give me an overwhelming love for him. I'll be lifting you and Monkey 1 up in my prayers.

    Happy moving! I remember the day my mom, Faith and I moved out of my grandparent's house. Although we were all suffering from a stomach virus, it was a glorious day!

    Love you,